Dorothy Mead
Dorothy Mead (1928-1975)
Dorothy Mead’s reputation in the English art world was high during her life time; she was admired by David Bomberg, and leading art critics of the time, Lawrence Gowing, David Sylvester, Andrew Forge. She was President of the Young Contemporaries in 1958-59. Invited to show with the London Group from 1947, elected a Member in 1959, Mead became its first female President in 1973.
Mead was Bomberg’s pupil from 1944 to 1951 and was co-founder of the Borough Group whose members included Davis Creffield, Andrew Marr and Miles Richmond.
Between 1956 and 1960 she taught at the Slade and inspired many young artists including Dubsky and Prockter.
Mead exhibited with Peter Blake, William Crozier, David Hockney, Bridget Riley, Euan Uglow and other contemporary artists in the sixties and was highly thought of both in England and abroad.